HenrikBechmann / CivicTechTO-TorontoBudget

To support informed debate about the Toronto budget - planning docs for budgetpedia
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Review code for America project requirements #7

Open HenrikBechmann opened 9 years ago

HenrikBechmann commented 9 years ago

See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cLpofMbgiL2kb08U5R6X9UuPxGmzwle_hvtPaf8Ud38/edit for requirements (from alex)

Identify compliance points, negotiate points with civic tech organizers, and bring project into compliance

Here's the civictechTO project summary sheet, which plugs into the Code for America system: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mqLnB55uVv3d1GPJaaW5XeQ7qdmmKqJZVZyLfD9xL_E/export?format=csv