Closed HenrikBengtsson closed 1 year ago
Some of the above packages should have been excluded, because they were known not to install on Wynton/C4, because we lack some system libraries.
It looks like rgl and dependent packages need to be installed in an interactive session.
After running source("cran.R")
on the remaining packages, we get:
Number of installed packages: 23190
Number of packages installed this round: 174
Packages that failed to install: [n=35] AlphaHull3D, Boov, cgalMeshes, cgalPolygons, delaunay, factset.protobuf.stach.v2, image.textlinedetector, interpolation, jack, landsepi, lazyNumbers, mathml, MeshesTools, MinkowskiSum, multibiplotGUI, multibridge, PolygonSoup, qspray, RationalMatrix, rolog, rswipl, sphereTessellation, surveyvoi, tfevents, traveltimeR, valse, BGmix, ChIC, DeepBlueR, FLAMES, NanoMethViz, omada, OmicsLonDA, Rarr, tscR
> source("cran.R")
Start time: 2023-06-16 03:44:01.092758
Current time: 2023-06-16 03:44:01.096001
Number of parallel installs: 1
R package repositories: [n=6] CRAN='', BioCsoft='', BioCann='', BioCexp='', BioCworkflows='', henrikbengtsson=''
Number of available packages: 23241
Number of installed packages: 23196
Packages excluded: [n=112] agRee, AlphaHull3D, bcrm, Bergm, BGmix, biplotbootGUI, bizdays, Boov, BRugs, cgalMeshes, cgalPolygons, ChemmineOB, ChIC, cncaGUI, ConcordanceTest, cosso, CVXR, dclone, dcmle, DeepBlueR, delaunay, designmatch, diveR, eatATA, factset.protobuf.stach.v2, ffsimulator, FLAMES, fPortfolio, FRAPO, gemtc, gpuMagic, hdme, HyRiM, image.textlinedetector, interpolation, ITRSelect, jack, kantorovich, landsepi, lazyNumbers, loon, loon.ggplot, loon.shiny, loon.tourr, lpda, LPmerge, mathml, MCDA, MeshesTools, MinkowskiSum, miscF, MsBackendRawFileReader, MSCMT, MultAlloc, multibiplotGUI, multibridge, multinomineq, NanoMethViz, natstrat, npbr, omada, OmicsLonDA, OpenCL, optrefine, ora, ordinalbayes, otinference, parma, PolygonSoup, PortfolioOptim, PottsUtils, prioriactions, PVAClone, qspray, R2WinBUGS, Rarr, RationalMatrix, rawrr, Rcplex, RcppMeCab, relations, rfviz, Rglpk, RMassBank, RmecabKo, ROI.models.miplib, ROI.plugin.cplex, ROI.plugin.glpk, ROI.plugin.symphony, rolog, ROracle, Rpoppler, RQuantLib, rswipl, Rsymphony, rtsdata, sbw, sdcTable, sharx, sphereTessellation, strand, stratbr, StratifiedSampling, surveyvoi, switchboard, tfevents, traveltimeR, tscR, TukeyRegion, valse, visaOTR, zenplots
Number of packages to install: 0
Number of install chunks: 0 (50 packages per chunk)
Number of installed packages: 23196
Number of packages installed this round: 0
Packages that failed to install: [n=0]
Total processing time: 54.75162 secs
Finish time: 2023-06-16 03:44:55.848178
There are 250 CRAN and Bioconductor 3.17 packages that does not install in R 4.3.0 on CentOS 7.9 when installing in batch mode: