HenrikBengtsson / Wishlist-for-R

Features and tweaks to R that I and others would love to see - feel free to add yours!
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WISH consistent naming conventions #64

Open NelleV opened 6 years ago

NelleV commented 6 years ago

Base-R is very inconsistent with its function names. It'd be nice to make everything consistent ( row.names versus colnames for instance)

ThoDuyNguyen commented 6 years ago

But then it comes to packages. data.table favors C style while dplyr seems use Python style

NelleV commented 6 years ago

I think a first step is to establish a convention. It's more important IMO than which convention to use.

(I personally do much favor "Python style", or rather "no dots in names", as dots mean something in most programming language, and the cognitive cost of reading R code for a software engineer coming from another language is fairly high because of such differences)

gaborcsardi commented 6 years ago

@NelleV Even worse: dots actually mean something (else) in R as well!