Closed hummuscience closed 6 years ago
Turns out to be a bug(*) in strucchange. Here's a minimal example in a fresh R session:
> library("strucchange")
> bp.nile <- breakpoints(Nile ~ 1, hpc = "foreach")
Error in foreach::foreach(i = 1:(n - h + 1)) %dopar% RSSi(i) :
could not find function "%dopar%"
> traceback()
2: breakpoints.formula(Nile ~ 1, hpc = "foreach")
1: breakpoints(Nile ~ 1, hpc = "foreach")
The workaround is to make sure 'foreach' is attached before breakpoints()
is called, e.g.
> library("foreach")
> bp.nile <- breakpoints(Nile ~ 1, hpc = "foreach")
Warning: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered
In your case with nested, remote futures, the workaround is to attach foreach in the R session where breakpoints()
is called, e.g.
slopeFinder <- function (x, breaks = 2, range, h = 3, closest_to = 0, hpc = "none") {
if (hpc == "foreach") library("foreach")
The strucchange::breakpoints()
bug is because it uses only %dopar%
RSS.triang <- if(hpc == "none") sapply(1:(n-h+1), RSSi) else foreach::foreach(i = 1:(n-h+1)) %dopar% RSSi(i)
rather than foreach::%dopar%
. I'll contact the maintainer about this.
This is now fixed in the next release of strucchange; Achim said he'll try to submit "to CRAN in the not-so-distant future". In the meanwhile, to the workaround I suggest above.
I tried your workaround with all different options of placing library("foreach")
in the function without much luck...
slopeFinder <- function (x, breaks = 2, range, h = 3, closest_to = 0, hpc = "none") {
if (hpc == "foreach") {
if (closest_to == 0){
ts.x <- ts(x[range])
l <- length(ts.x)
tt <- 1:l
ts.break <- strucchange::breakpoints(ts.x ~ tt, breaks = breaks, h = h, hpc = hpc) <- splines::bs(tt, deg=1, knots = ts.break$breakpoints)
bs.regress <- lm(ts.x ~
ts.coefs <- bs.regress$coefficients
data <- data.frame(Slope = ts.coefs["ts.bs2"],
Breakpoint = ts.break$breakpoints[1],
MaxAmp = max(ts.x[ts.break$breakpoints[1]:ts.break$breakpoints[2]]))
ts.x <- ts(x[range])
l <- length(ts.x)
tt <- 1:l
ts.break <- strucchange::breakpoints(ts.x ~ tt, breaks = breaks, h = h, hpc = hpc)
closest <- findInterval(closest_to, ts.break$breakpoints)+1 <- splines::bs(tt, deg=1, knots = ts.break$breakpoints)
bs.regress <- lm(ts.x ~
ts.coefs <- bs.regress$coefficients
data <- data.frame(Slope = ts.coefs[closest+1],
Breakpoint = ts.break$breakpoints[closest],
MaxAmp = max(ts.x[ts.break$breakpoints[closest]:ts.break$breakpoints[closest+1]]))
temp.break %<-% slopeFinder(temp[,2], breaks = 6, h=20, hpc = "foreach")
When I check temp.break
it seems like R is running. When I check the cores used on the remote machine it is only one core, so no parallel computing.
Ok, so the original error was solved, correct?
Try with:
temp.break %<-% {
slopeFinder(temp[,2], breaks = 6, h=20, hpc = "foreach")
It's not a beautiful solution, but should do it.
The original error was solved and your new suggestion works! 👍
FYI, I've created a todo on trying to automate doFuture::registerDoFuture()
- I don't see an obvious solution that can be implemented immediately, so it'll be some time. Thxs for bring this use case to my attention.
I am trying to use a package that uses foreach (strucchange). The idea is to let a remote worker take care of the processing.
I asked a similar question a while back in the revolving Future (
First I tested whether everything works as I want on the local machine with 4 cores as follows:
This works as planned with all cores being used.
When I want to send this to a remote machine, I used the following as a plan:
plan(list(tweak(remote, workers = "monster"), multiprocess))
and instead of
I used%<-%
. If I understood it correctly, the %<-% would peel away the first layer (sending it to a remote machine) and then the function that uses foreach can run the code.However, it does not work and when I call the object (temp.break) I get the following error: