HenrikBengtsson / doFuture

:rocket: R package: doFuture - Use Foreach to Parallelize via Future Framework
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RELEASE: Bug in doRNG + develop future => test error #38

Closed HenrikBengtsson closed 4 years ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 4 years ago

Due to a bug in doRNG (https://github.com/renozao/doRNG/issues/12), R CMD check on doFuture will now produce below error with the develop version of future (== 1.4.0-9000). Becase of this, before releasing the new version future we need to creat a workaround for the tests/doRNG,dorng.R test.

  Running ‘doRNG,dorng.R’
Running the tests in ‘tests/doRNG,dorng.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 1222430165 -1386318120 1144759979 748500427 690571908 329037778
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 215137210 -1421031558 1452323561 -2060097535 712279522 -278425444
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 -1017432992 1583835527 1997665660 821136125 1282044776 1045008570
   $ r2:List of 4
    ..$ : num 0.473
    ..$ : num 0.413
    ..$ : num 0.622
    ..$ : num 0.349
    ..- attr(*, "rng")=List of 4
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 -305777535 -1394370482 -1723143049 2071488076 1659356893 -1081051142
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 1325398954 -1161873690 -494229462 -159563550 560770250 333672325
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 297685860 239054748 -160895377 224208364 -348437793 -1537437949
    .. ..$ : int [1:7] 10407 -1436965524 -782679284 2145224753 2079003111 -745179495 -788808701
  Error: identical(r1, r2) is not TRUE
  Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK