HenrikBengtsson / future.apply

:rocket: R package: future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
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progress bar #34

Closed talegari closed 4 years ago

talegari commented 5 years ago

Hi Henrik,

Great package and work!

Is it feasible to include a progress for any future_* function?

Currently, I use pbmcapply for this purpose(limited in utility as compared to future though)

Regards, Srikanth KS

xiaodaigh commented 5 years ago

FWIW, the furrr package provides progress bars using the .progress argument.

HenrikBengtsson commented 4 years ago

The progressr package was created for the purpose of being able to get progress updates in any context, including when doing parallel processing. It's makes no assumptions about the future framework, and vice verse.

Here's an example from its README:


handlers("progress", "beepr")

xs <- 1:5

  p <- progressor(along = xs)
  y <- future_lapply(xs, function(x, ...) {
    p(sprintf("x=%g", x))
HenrikBengtsson commented 4 years ago

UPDATE: With future 1.16.0 - on CRAN since 2020-01-16 - the example in https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/future.apply/issues/34#issuecomment-549011124 will report on progress updates in a near-live fashion.

mem48 commented 3 years ago

Hi are there any more example of how to do this:

I'm following the example in the progressr vignette:


handlers(global = TRUE)
handlers("progress", "beepr")

my_fcn <- function(xs) {
  p <- progressor(along = xs)
  y <- future_lapply(xs, function(x, ...) {
    p(sprintf("x=%g", x))


But in my case, I want to call a named function rather than include the code within the future_lapply

my_fcn <- function(xs) {
  p <- progressor(along = xs)
  y <- future_lapply(xs, inner_func)

inner_func <- function(x){
  p(sprintf("x=%g", x))


I get the error

Error in p(sprintf("x=%g", x)) : could not find function "p" 

I also tried adding the ... but then I get errors

Error in my_fcn(1:5) : '...' used in an incorrect context

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

HenrikBengtsson commented 3 years ago

Hi. So just to be clear, this is how R works, i.e. it's unrelated to the future framework and the progressr package per se.

Here's an example without either:

my_fcn <- function(xs) {
  p <- function(...) message(...)
  y <- lapply(xs, inner_func)

inner_func <- function(x) {
  p(sprintf("x=%g", x))

which gives:

> my_fcn(1:3)
Error in p(sprintf("x=%g", x)) : could not find function "p"

One way to solve this is to pass p as an argument to inner_func(), e.g.

my_fcn <- function(xs) {
  p <- function(...) message(...)
  y <- lapply(xs, inner_func, p = p)

inner_func <- function(x, p) {
  p(sprintf("x=%g", x))

which works, e.g.

> my_fcn(1:3)

To clarify further, the name p is not used, so it'll also work if you do:

my_fcn <- function(xs) {
  my_p <- function(...) message(...)
  y <- lapply(xs, inner_func, p = my_p)
mem48 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I thought it would be something simple like that.