HenrikBengtsson / future

:rocket: R package: future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
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Some R packages change 'future.*' options permanently #708

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 6 months ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 6 months ago


Several CRAN packages changes Futureverse R options, e.g. future.globals.maxSize and future.rng.onMisuse. This may happen when one of their functions are called, or when the package is attached. Not pointing fingers at any particular package, here are a few examples illustrating the problem:

$ R --vanilla --quiet
> getOption("future.globals.maxSize")

> library(future)
> getOption("future.globals.maxSize")

> library(parseRPDR)

> getOption("future.globals.maxSize")
[1] 107374182400

The problem with doing this is that it overrides whatever settings the R user has decided to use. Also, changing options like future.rng.onMisuse to "ignore" removes the RNG protection in other places.
