Closed spaette closed 5 months ago
a draft shell script
doesn't include any changes to inst/WORDLIST revdep/R_MATRIXSTATS_USENAMES_NA=defunct/ src/rowRanksWithTies_lowlevel_template.h (HISTORY)
$ cat
sed -i "s/Standarized/Standardized/g" matrixStats/R/rowWeightedMeans.R
sed -i "s/accomodate/accommodate/g" matrixStats/src/rowRanksWithTies.c
sed -i "s/bounderies/boundaries/g" matrixStats/tests/binMeans,binCounts.R
sed -i "s/bounderies/boundaries/g" matrixStats/tests/binCounts.R
sed -i "s/boundery/boundary/g" matrixStats/tests/binMeans,binCounts.R
sed -i "s/boundery/boundary/g" matrixStats/tests/binCounts.R
sed -i "s/coersing/coercing/g" matrixStats/tests/sum2.R
sed -i "s/contigous/contiguous/g" matrixStats/src/logSumExp_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/ideomatic/idiomatic/g" matrixStats/src/rowRanksWithTies_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowCumprods_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowVars_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/colCounts_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowSums2_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowCumsums_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowMeans2_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowMads_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowMedians_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowCumMinMaxs_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/colRanges_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/x_OP_y_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowDiffs_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/indicies/indices/g" matrixStats/src/rowCounts_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/infite/infinite/g" matrixStats/src/weightedMedian_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/noticibly/noticeably/g" matrixStats/src/logSumExp_lowlevel_template.h
sed -i "s/optimiztion/optimization/g" matrixStats/src/000.templates-types.h
sed -i "s/positve/positive/g" matrixStats/src/validateIndices.c
sed -i "s/temorary/temporary/g" matrixStats/src/diff2_lowlevel_template.h
Thank you so much. We'll get this in for the next release.
you are authorised to use and/or modify the shell script
doesn't include any changes to inst/WORDLIST revdep/R_MATRIXSTATS_USENAMES_NA=defunct/ src/rowRanksWithTies_lowlevel_template.h (HISTORY)
sed -i "s/deprecatated/deprecated/g" matrixStats/
sed -i "/deprecatated/d" matrixStats/inst/WORDLIST
no sed
command provided here for
sed -i "s/Extened tempate/Extended template/g" matrixStats/src/rowRanksWithTies_lowlevel_template.h
Thanks a bunch. Your fixes have been deployed (commit 3987beb984).
Should typos in HISTORY be fixed?
Yes, I guess. OTH, we could probably remove the HISTORY source-code comment at some point, because I think the info, or at least part of it, are in the svn logs, which we later migrated to git. Anyway, I'll punt on that task for now.
reproduced terminal output
Ticket opened in that repo notifying of the typo in their message.
reproduced terminal output
Ticket opened in that repo notifying of the typo in their message.
This part I did/do not understand
revdep/R_MATRIXSTATS_USENAMES_NA=defunct/ line 9233
typo recomended
originates in another package
$ sed -n '511,527p' seurat-object/R/zzz.R
msg <- paste(
sQuote(x = pkgname),
"was built",
EXPR = i,
R = "under R",
paste("with package", sQuote(x = i))
"but the current version is",
paste0(current, ';'),
"it is recomended that you reinstall ",
sQuote(x = pkgname),
" as the ABI for",
switch(EXPR = i, R = i, sQuote(x = i)),
"may have changed"
Should typos in HISTORY be fixed?
Extended template
I presume a typo in reproduced terminal output should not be fixed.
Should the typo in be fixed and that string removed from inst/WORDLIST?
The below might be all be found within comments.
Standardized accommodate boundaries boundary coercing contiguous idiomatic indices infinite noticeably optimization positive temporary