HenrikBengtsson / startup

:wrench: R package: startup - Friendly R Startup Configuration
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IDEA: Warn about env vars / settings that have no effect #54

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 6 years ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 6 years ago

For instance, if setting TMPDIR in Renviron, it'll be reflected in Sys.getenv("TMPDIR") but ignored in tempdir() etc. (invalid, cf. Issue #91)

HenrikBengtsson commented 6 years ago

Related: warn about env vars that if set under .Renviron.d/ or via an .Rprofile(.d) file don't have an effect but needs to be set in .Renviron, e.g. R_MAX_NUM_DLLS.

HenrikBengtsson commented 6 years ago

Another one from R-help thread '[R] R 3.5.0, vector memory exhausted error on readBin' on 2018-06-12:

The environment variable R_MAX_VSIZE is read at start-up so need to be set outside R. If you are starting R from a shell you can use

env R_MAX_VSIZE=700Gb R

UPDATE 2018-06-12: Apparently, this one can be set in .Renviron:

to add the following line to the .Renviron file: R_MAX_VSIZE=700Gb

On restart (R 3.5.0), this did the trick and the files read normally.