HenrikJoreteg / ICanHaz.js

A clean solution for templating with Mustache.js and jQuery or Zepto
838 stars 132 forks source link

I'm looking for someone to take this on as lead maintainer #81

Open HenrikJoreteg opened 8 years ago

HenrikJoreteg commented 8 years ago

Of course with due credit in the readme, etc. Respond here if you're interested.

oscar-g commented 8 years ago

@HenrikJoreteg, I am interested. Is there a roadmap or some ideas about what a 1.0 release would look like?

frank-dspeed commented 6 years ago

@HenrikJoreteg @oscar-g https://canjs.com look into can-stache it has all you got and a whole eco system this can be deprecated and linked to