HenrikJoreteg / moonboots

A set of conventions and tools for bundle and serving clientside apps with node.js
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Config attribute "server" #35

Closed kokujin closed 10 years ago

kokujin commented 10 years ago

I noticed that in an Ampersand app, moonboots, has, and uses an attribute named "server:" . is there documentation on this somewhere? Thanks

kokujin commented 10 years ago

clientApp.html() is missing too

wraithgar commented 10 years ago

That is a legacy parameter that isn't used anymore that appears not to have been taken out of the ampersand express template. In fact it looks like the express ampersand template doesn't even use https://github.com/lukekarrys/moonboots-express

Same thing w/ html() that function went away in 2.0 and was replaced by htmlSource which is in the readme.

Gonna close this and open an ampersand issue to update the express template.

wraithgar commented 10 years ago


wraithgar commented 10 years ago

Here's a 1.x commit you can browse to to see the old readme for now https://github.com/HenrikJoreteg/moonboots/tree/987cc04e13daaa43518dc97e6e1fae0eaf5b1c41

wraithgar commented 10 years ago

@kokujin really sorry about the rough edges you're experiencing here in re express, we're working to get those examples up to snuff now. Thank you SO MUCH for checking this out and running it, and more importantly opening these issues.!