HenrikJoreteg / moonboots

A set of conventions and tools for bundle and serving clientside apps with node.js
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Update to browserify 5 #39

Closed mikehedman closed 9 years ago

mikehedman commented 9 years ago

I was just starting up a new Ampersand project, and on first run (npm i && npm start)got this error: Error: bundle() no longer accepts option arguments. Move all option arguments to the browserify() constructor. at Browserify.bundle (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/moonboots-express/node_modules/moonboots/node_modules/browserify/index.js:564:15) at async.series.mdeps.resolve (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/moonboots-express/node_modules/moonboots/index.js:351:20) at /Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:610:21 at /Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:249:17 at iterate (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:149:13) at async.eachSeries (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:165:9) at _asyncMap (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:248:13) at Object.mapSeries (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:231:23) at Object.async.series (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:608:19) at Moonboots.browserify (/Users/mike/dev/node/datatables/node_modules/moonboots-express/node_modules/moonboots/index.js:348:11)

I wish I could give you more info... I have stopped and restarted the node app and now the error message is no longer displayed. I've tried a number of things, but could not reproduce it. There is some internet chatter about a Browserify API change in their version 5.

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

What version of browserify is this with? npm ls browserify should show this.

mikehedman commented 9 years ago

browserify 5.10.1

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

Looks like this was a change that was introduced in browserify 5. Moonboots specifies 4 so I'm wondering how 5 ended up in your stack, and why it's being used instead of 4

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

Ok gonna retitle this and make it the 'get on browserify 5' issue.

lukekarrys commented 9 years ago

Closed by #62