HenrikJoreteg / moonboots

A set of conventions and tools for bundle and serving clientside apps with node.js
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Adding browserify.transform to match browserify/grunt-browserify config #52

Closed sansthesis closed 9 years ago

sansthesis commented 9 years ago

I stumbled over configuring browserify in moonboots because I was looking at my grunt configuration for grunt-browserify. I then referenced the browserify docs themselves, and I saw that both reference the array of transforms as transform: ['etc'].

I added support for transform, and kept transforms for backward compatibility in moonboots. I updated the documentation to reference transform, but I couldn't find see a way to mark transforms as deprecated in the source code.

I also copied and pasted the transforms test; I'm not sure if I should write it differently.

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

Is this another browserify 5 thing? If so ping @lukekarrys to verify, if it is we'll just want to make this a major version change to support browserify 5

sansthesis commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure. I'll check into it later. I've only started using browserify recently.

The configuration I was referencing before is at https://github.com/jmreidy/grunt-browserify#transform

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

browserify 5 upgrade is pending, needs a few things worked out first: https://github.com/HenrikJoreteg/moonboots/pull/47

lukekarrys commented 9 years ago

I don't think this is a browserify 5 thing. Looking at the 4.2.3 docs, it does reference transform as the key to use in the package.json file and the bundle method is also called transform.

So I don't have a problem with having both available on the API.

wraithgar commented 9 years ago

Sweet! Have to look at this after ampersand training is over then.

latentflip commented 9 years ago

+1 this confused me yesterday.