HenrikJoreteg / moonboots

A set of conventions and tools for bundle and serving clientside apps with node.js
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CoffeeScript into Browserify #70

Closed 0x4d6165 closed 8 years ago

0x4d6165 commented 8 years ago

I've transcribed the "app.js" and "router.js" files into coffeescript as part of creating a purely coffeescript version of the ampersand js sample app. Howerver, when I tried to pass the coffeeify transform into moonboots with:

browserify: {
  debug: config.isDev,
  transform: ['coffeeify']

, when I load the page on localhost:3000 it complains that Error: Cannot find module '/Users/gigavinyl/Projects/coffee/client/app.js' from '/Users/gigavinyl/Projects/coffee'. How do I do this properly?

0x4d6165 commented 8 years ago

Simply changing the list into a raw string i.e. 'coffeeify' instead of ['coffeeify'] fixed the issue.