HenrikJoreteg / redux-bundler

Compose a Redux store out of smaller bundles of functionality.
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Thoughts on having a redux-bundler mono-repo #70

Open vujita opened 4 years ago

vujita commented 4 years ago

@HenrikJoreteg I was wondering your thoughts of consolidating all the redux-bundle packages and bindings into one centralized repo possibly through something like lerna

Possibly even breaking out extras like this into separate packages

Also any thoughts about making all these belong to a group.

Like having "@redux-bundler/redux-bundler" "@redux-bundler/redux-bundler-preact" image

HenrikJoreteg commented 4 years ago

It's something I've thought about, but obviously haven't done yet. Part of the reason I haven't is that Lerna specifically, feels a bit overwrought. I haven't really researched it. Are there other good options?

This looks kind of interesting... https://github.com/mateodelnorte/meta/blob/master/README.md

Keeps them separate, but let's you run commands across them.

Personally I don't want to have import { X } from '@redux-bundler/redux-bundler' everywhere. The name just bugs me. Especially when I already have the top level name. That said, a little more unity would be nice.

vujita commented 4 years ago

Yarn workspaces offers a much lighter solution. It does have a few draw backs, need to switch to yarn and possible issues with publishing that is listed

davemo commented 3 years ago

Alternatively I've heard good things about Microsoft RushJS, but haven't tried it out in a project yet

odinho commented 3 years ago

PouchDB does monorepo in a no-tooling way after trying Lerna: Why we dropped Lerna from PouchDB.

They're still using their simple "Alle" monorepo method these years later: https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb (I don't have direct experience with it myself, just remembered I'd like to try monorepo this way :) ).

HenrikJoreteg commented 3 years ago

Yeah, conceptually, I really like this idea. But I have yet to find a monorepo approach that doesn't feel belabored and frustrating. I'm open to trying it though. Just need to find the time :)