HenriquesLab / ZeroCostDL4Mic

ZeroCostDL4Mic: A Google Colab based no-cost toolbox to explore Deep-Learning in Microscopy
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assertion error after n2v 2D model training #315

Open damiandn opened 5 months ago

damiandn commented 5 months ago

We are running into an assertion error immediately after N2V 2D training using a single 2D image as input and a T4 runtime. You should be able to reproduce by running through the notebook with a single noisy image as input, using the default parameters.

The error is below, and seems to be related to the bioimageio core library. The model saves correctly and can be reloaded manually in the next step and the following cells execute correctly.


We are teaching at the QI course in Cold Spring Harbor and were hoping to use this notebook in our course (Next Tuesday, April 9th).