service.mercury: # set Mercury Parser API endpoint to service.mercury:3000 on TTRSS plugin setting page
image: wangqiru/mercury-parser-api:latest
container_name: mercury
restart: always
service.opencc: # set OpenCC API endpoint to service.opencc:3000 on TTRSS plugin setting page
image: wangqiru/opencc-api-server:latest
container_name: opencc
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=XXXXX # feel free to change the password
/volume1/docker/postgres/data/:/var/lib/postgresql/data # persist postgres data to ~/postgres/data/ on the host
restart: always
container_name: watchtower
image: containrrr/watchtower:latest
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
restart: always
public_access: # Provide the access for ttrss UI
service_only: # Provide the communication network between services only
internal: true
database_only: # Provide the communication between ttrss and database only
internal: true
Bug 描述 Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation.
你谷歌/百度了吗? 用了
复现步骤 复现该 bug 的详细步骤 version: "3" services: service.rss: image: wangqiru/ttrss:latest container_name: ttrss ports:
database_only stdin_open: true tty: true restart: always
service.mercury: # set Mercury Parser API endpoint to
on TTRSS plugin setting page image: wangqiru/mercury-parser-api:latest container_name: mercury networks:service_only restart: always
service.opencc: # set OpenCC API endpoint to
on TTRSS plugin setting page image: wangqiru/opencc-api-server:latest container_name: opencc environment:service_only restart: always
database.postgres: image: postgres:13-alpine container_name: postgres environment:
database_only restart: always
container_name: watchtower
image: containrrr/watchtower:latest
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
restart: always
volumes: feed-icons:
networks: public_access: # Provide the access for ttrss UI service_only: # Provide the communication network between services only internal: true database_only: # Provide the communication between ttrss and database only internal: true
错误日志 <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="">
ttrss | | -- | -- | -- date | stream | content 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:49/29] Received SIGCHLD, 1 active tasks left. 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:49/29] Child process with PID 284 reaped. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Purged 0 orphaned posts. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Removing old error log entries... | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Removed 0 old lock files. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Expired cache/upload: removed 0 files. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Expired cache/images: removed 0 files. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Expired cache/feeds: removed 0 files. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Expired cache/export: removed 0 files. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] All done. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Sending digests, batch of max 15 users, headline limit = 1000 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Running housekeeping tasks for user 1... | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Processed 16 feeds in 1.3463 (sec), 0.0841 (sec/feed avg) 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0789 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/320] Lock: update_daemon-feed-102.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 娓歌祫鐑偣 (ID: 102, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:33 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0812 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/318] Lock: update_daemon-feed-74.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 娌抽┈鐢靛奖 (ID: 74, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:33 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0761 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/316] Lock: update_daemon-feed-76.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 鐢靛奖閾哄瓙 (ID: 76, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0805 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/314] Lock: update_daemon-feed-32.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 鍖楀ぇ娓呭崕璁插骇 (ID: 32, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0779 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/312] Lock: update_daemon-feed-157.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 缁忕涔嬪 (ID: 157, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0782 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/310] Lock: update_daemon-feed-29.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 瀛︿細瀛︽湳浜ゆ祦涓庡鍔?(ID: 29, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0784 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/308] Lock: update_daemon-feed-68.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 璁¢箯鏂拌兘婧?(ID: 68, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0840 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/306] Lock: update_daemon-feed-65.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] => 姣忔棩椋庣數 (ID: 65, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/285] <= 0.0944 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:48/304] Lock: update_daemon-feed-90.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 涓栫晫缁忔祹璁哄潧鎶ュ憡 (ID: 90, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0783 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/302] Lock: update_daemon-feed-63.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 鍥藉鑳芥簮灞€ (ID: 63, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0806 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/300] Lock: update_daemon-feed-7.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 鏂颁含鎶ヨ瘎璁?(ID: 7, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0849 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/298] Lock: update_daemon-feed-31.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 绉戠爺骞茶揣 (ID: 31, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0787 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/296] Lock: update_daemon-feed-126.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 椋庤兘璧勬簮涓撲笟缁?(ID: 126, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0787 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/294] Lock: update_daemon-feed-154.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 榛戞礊璧勬簮绗旇 (ID: 154, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:32 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0777 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/292] Lock: update_daemon-feed-89.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 涓婃捣璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鎵€ - 涓婂競鍏徃淇℃伅 - 鏈€鏂板叕鍛?(ID: 89, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:31 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] Base feed: | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] !! Last error: Requested URL failed extended validation. | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] <= 0.0795 (sec) exit code: 100 | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/290] Lock: update_daemon-feed-70.lock | | 2022/2/9 2:07 | stdout | [02:07:47/285] => 椋庣數宄拌瀵?(ID: 70, U: admin [1]), last updated: 2022-02-09 01:52:31