HenryQW / mercury_fulltext

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Apply to All Feeds vs. Setting One by One? #8

Closed mattpanther closed 5 years ago

mattpanther commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have the plugin successfully installed and API key saved, is there a way for me to apply the Mercury Parser to all feeds by default vs. going into the plugin settings for each one individually where I'd like to use it?

HenryQW commented 6 years ago

Hi @mattpanther, unfortunately not.

The logic is simple:

  1. A SQL query to get the list of feed ids from ttrss_feeds table
  2. A PHP function to populate every feed id into a format
  3. A SQL query to insert the generated string into the content field of ttrss_plugin_storage, where the record name is mercury_fulltext and owner_uid is your id.

The content should look like this:

a:2:{s:13:"enabled_feeds";a:3:{i:0;i:5;i:1;i:10;;i:2;i:15;}s:11:"mercury_API";s:40:"your api key";}

The key part is an array a:3:{i:0;i:5;i:1;i:10;;i:2;i:15;}, which assumes you have 3 feeds (a:3) with ids of 5, 10, 15 each after its index position in the array.

So in short, there has to be a logic to generate the following: a:2:{s:13:"enabled_feeds";a:[number of feeds]:{i:0;i:[feed id];i:1;i[feed id];i:2;i:[feed id];}s:11:"mercury_API";s:40:"your api key";}

I haven't got the time to add the described logic, so PR is welcome. I will visit this once I'm free.