HenryRLee / PokerHandEvaluator

Poker-Hand-Evaluator: An efficient poker hand evaluation algorithm and its implementation, supporting 7-card poker and Omaha poker evaluation
Apache License 2.0
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support plo5 and plo6? #34

Closed yc90s closed 4 months ago

yc90s commented 3 years ago

how to evaluator PLO5 and PLO6

HenryRLee commented 3 years ago

Hi @yc90s, thanks for creating an issue.

Unfortunately, PLO5 and PLO6 are not yet supported, as I just knew these rules. I will take time to think about it.

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

@HenryRLee I'm thinking about adding PLO5 and PLO6 support. Do you have some direction or hint to let me start? Thanks

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoHuang, glad to see your interests. Do you intent to add PLO5/PLO6 in your own project? Or do you want to create a PR and add the new feature in this repository?

There is a super easy way to implement it, using brute-force. For example, for PLO5, choose 4 cards from the 5 player holes and run our Omaha evaluator, and get the best one. There will be 5 iterations, for PLO5, and 15 iterations for PLO6. I've seen someone implemented PLO5 already, based on our Omaha evaluator. https://github.com/andreihes/phe/blob/main/src/omaha10/eval_OT.c

If it is your private project, and you're happy with this brute-force solution, that would be a very good example to follow.

Well, brute-force is definitely not the fastest solution. We can still use a perfect hash function, so that the time cost of PLO5/PLO6 would be no significantly greater than normal Omaha, while there is a time-space exchange, and the memory cost would be around 5x in PLO5, and 15x in PLO6. And this solution is not easy to implement. We need to write a new evaluator algorithm, which would be similar to the normal Omaha evaluator (https://github.com/HenryRLee/PokerHandEvaluator/blob/master/cpp/src/evaluator_omaha.c). The algorithm is basically running the perfect hash function twice, one for the board cards, one for the hole cards, then concatenate these two hashes, and finally fetch the value from the hash table. After the evaluator algorithm is done, we need to generate the hash values to fill in the hash tables. This part is very time consuming, as there are way too many combinations to cover. (For PLO5, it'd be 52 choose 5 multiply by 47 choose 5: 2598960 * 1533939 = 3,986,646,103,440.) Also we need to write a one-off program to do this job (can be multi-threaded, to speed things up). The final task would be the test code, still very similar to the existing Omaha one (https://github.com/HenryRLee/PokerHandEvaluator/blob/master/cpp/test/evaluation_omaha.cc).

If you are confident with implementing the perfect hash solution, I am happy to give you more guidance, step by step. After that, we can merge your code in this repository if you like. In the same time, I'll add more comments in the Omaha evaluator algorithm, or maybe document it properly in the documentation page.

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

Hi @HenryRLee

Thanks for detail explain.

My case is like I have a private project with our own evaluator (node.js implement). I made a node.js binding (https://github.com/JoHuang/PokerHandEvaluator) for our node.js project. My rough evaluation is that our evaluator PLO4 is slower than yours about 2x~3x. However, our PLO5,PLO6 only have slight overhead. So 4 iterations of evaluator_omaha.c might be slower than our evaluator (not experimentally proven, though). There might be a lot of things we can optimize like binding interface, or caches of card ID without converting from card string every time.

I would like to ask a question: For PLO5, combinations are 8.6x than PLO4, does that mean table generation time also takes 8.6x? (48 hours you said here) Does that mean the memory consumptions 8.6x? (404K * 8.6 ??)

If so, PLO6 would be 60.2x?

Or we can use https://github.com/andreihes/phe/blob/main/src/omaha10/eval_OT.c to speed up table generation?

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoHuang, I have to clarify that, the memory for PLO4 is roughly 25Mb. I don't know why it was 404k during the measurement. I should probably update the page and make some clarification.

The main memory used in PLO4 is in the noflush_omaha table declared here (https://github.com/HenryRLee/PokerHandEvaluator/blob/master/cpp/src/tables.h). It has 11238500 elements and each one costs 2 bytes. The number 11238500 is the product of 6175 and 1820. They are the largest possible hash value from the 5-card board and the 4-card hole.

When it goes to PLO5, we have two 5-card hands, makes the table being 6175 * 6175 = 38130625 (76Mb), and plus the other tables it would be between 80Mb to 90Mb.

In PLO6, the largest possible hash value for a 6-card hand is 18394, so the table size would be 18394 * 6175 = 113582950 (227Mb).

It's hard to estimate the time generating the tables. By that time generate PLO4, I had to run Kev's evaluator with 60 iterations. Now that I have my own Omaha evaluator, which is approximately 2x to Kev's 5-card evaluator, and it should speed things up (similar to eval_OT.c). Each hand may be 5x faster than what I used 3 years ago, but we have 8.6x hands in PLO5.

Of course, everything depends on the computing resource. Actually, how urgent do you need it in your node.js project? I am considering doing the C/C++ implementation by myself, and using a good AWS instance to compute the hash tables. After that, you can port it to JavaScript.

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

I'm not that urgent. However, a rough timeline would be very helpful for me to decide my next action. Thanks!

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

@JoHuang I'll try to do PLO5 in a week, and then use another week for PLO6.

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

Cool. Then I guess I'll wait for your result.

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoHuang, just want to share some updates of my progress.

The PLO5 code is done. Also done a lot of testing for it.

However, I made a mistake when running the program calculating the PLO6 table, and cause the instance shutdown unexpectedly. Now I have to do it again. It would take 7 to 8 days to complete, using an AWS c5.9xlarge instance.

I'll share the benchmark result for PLO5:

Running ./benchmark_phevaluator
Run on (12 X 2600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
  L3 Unified 12288 KiB
Load Average: 1.52, 1.41, 1.36
Benchmark                         Time             CPU   Iterations
EvaluateAllFiveCards       32854853 ns     32830571 ns           21
EvaluateAllSixCards       298036817 ns    297910500 ns            2
EvaluateAllSevenCards    2182182712 ns   2180793000 ns            1
EvaluateRandomFiveCards        1375 ns         1375 ns       488936
EvaluateRandomSixCards         1607 ns         1606 ns       447608
EvaluateRandomSevenCards       1804 ns         1802 ns       389176
EvaluateRandomOmahaCards       3024 ns         3022 ns       229699
EvaluateRandomPlo5Cards        3290 ns         3288 ns       213043

As you can see, evaluating 100 Omaha (PLO4) hands costs 3024 ns, while the costs for 100 PLO5 hands is 3290 ns. PLO5 is not significantly slower. The memory cost for Omaha is 30Mb, while the memory cost for PLO5 is 112Mb.

I'll also share table generation code. For PLO5: https://gist.github.com/HenryRLee/c1b882a6b5ba5af132e4af66d32eb768 For PLO6: https://gist.github.com/HenryRLee/dbd98e48e13f33fc66c30ac25ba20ac9

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

@HenryRLee Thanks for the update!

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoHuang, PLO6 evaluator is ready in the branch feature/plo6 (PR #79). I haven't merged it yet, because Github action has 500Mb memory limit, but compiling the PLO6 table requires more than that. The build and test are good in my local environment. It should be good for you to migrate it to your Node project now.

I'll share the benchmark result with you:

Running ./benchmark_phevaluator
Run on (12 X 2600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x6)
  L3 Unified 12288 KiB
Load Average: 1.20, 1.38, 1.36
Benchmark                         Time             CPU   Iterations
EvaluateAllFiveCards       33466419 ns     33431524 ns           21
EvaluateAllSixCards       277013289 ns    276743000 ns            2
EvaluateAllSevenCards    2197875932 ns   2196361000 ns            1
EvaluateRandomFiveCards        1368 ns         1367 ns       506450
EvaluateRandomSixCards         1532 ns         1531 ns       435635
EvaluateRandomSevenCards       1823 ns         1821 ns       371615
EvaluateRandomOmahaCards       2950 ns         2949 ns       233322
EvaluateRandomPlo5Cards        3177 ns         3174 ns       218003
EvaluateRandomPlo6Cards        3236 ns         3233 ns       215227

The memory cost for PLO6 is around 352Mb.

HenryRLee commented 1 year ago

Hi @JoHuang, I merged the PLO6 PR.

I excluded PLO6 in Github action, because compiling the table hits the 500Mb memory limit in Github.

However, everyone can still checkout the source code and build it in their local machine, and run the unit test and benchmark. Additional cmake option is required in order to do so. For example:

JoHuang commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll check it.