HenryXiaoYang / XYBot

XYBot是一个可运行于Linux和Windows的基于Hook的微信机器人🤖️!✅高度可自定义! ✅支持自我编写插件!非常多的功能:天气🌤️、获取新闻📰、ChatGPT聊天🗣️、Hypixel玩家查询🎮、随机图片📷、随机链接🔗、随机群成员👥、五子棋♟️、签到✅、查询积分📊、积分榜🏆、积分转送💰、积分抽奖🎁、积分红包🧧等
GNU General Public License v3.0
347 stars 39 forks source link

plugins/news.yml被墙了 #51

Closed Sendu-sanxing closed 2 months ago

Sendu-sanxing commented 2 months ago


# news.yml
keywords: [ "新闻" ]
plugin_name: "news"
news_api_key: "8ee2b469d70fdbbd99ea110ca2452602"   #申请地址:https://www.tianapi.com/console/
news_num: 50  # 新闻数量设置,最高50条
request_interval: 3600   # 请求间隔时间,单位为秒,默认1小时

# news.py
import http.client
import urllib
import json
import yaml
from loguru import logger
from utils.plugin_interface import PluginInterface
import pywxdll  
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class news(PluginInterface):
    def __init__(self):
        # 读取插件配置
        config_path = 'plugins/news.yml'
        with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())

        self.api_key = config['news_api_key']
        self.news_num = config.get('news_num', 10)  # 默认新闻数量为10
        self.request_interval = config.get('request_interval', 3600)  # 默认请求间隔为1小时

        # 读取主设置中的机器人IP和端口
        main_config_path = 'main_config.yml'
        with open(main_config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            main_config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())

        self.ip = main_config['ip']
        self.port = main_config['port']
        self.bot = pywxdll.Pywxdll(self.ip, self.port)

        self.last_request_times = {}  # 用于记录每个群的上次请求时间

    async def run(self, recv):
        wxid = recv['wxid']
        current_time = datetime.now()

        last_request_time = self.last_request_times.get(wxid)
        if last_request_time and (current_time - last_request_time).total_seconds() < self.request_interval:
            wait_time = self.request_interval - (current_time - last_request_time).total_seconds()
            self.bot.send_txt_msg(wxid, f"️⚠️请等待 {int(wait_time // 60)} 分钟 {int(wait_time % 60)} 秒后再试。")

        news_data = self.get_news()
        if news_data:
            messages = self.format_news(news_data)
            for message in messages:
                self.bot.send_txt_msg(wxid, message)
            self.last_request_times[wxid] = current_time
            self.bot.send_txt_msg(wxid, "⚠️无法获取新闻信息,请稍后再试。")

    def get_news(self):
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('apis.tianapi.com')
            params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'key': self.api_key, 'num': self.news_num})
            headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
            conn.request('POST', '/world/index', params, headers)
            response = conn.getresponse()
            result = response.read()
            data = result.decode('utf-8')
            dict_data = json.loads(data)

            logger.info(f"API返回的数据: {dict_data}")  # 添加日志记录返回的数据

            return dict_data
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"⚠️获取新闻时发生错误: {e}")
            return None

    def format_news(self, news_data):
            news_list = news_data.get('result', {}).get('newslist', [])
            if not news_list:
                return ["⚠️未获取到任何新闻信息。"]

            today = datetime.now().date()
            yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)
            filtered_news = [news for news in news_list if datetime.strptime(news.get('ctime', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').date() in [today, yesterday]]

            formatted_news = []
            news_chunk = []
            for idx, news in enumerate(filtered_news, 1):
                title = news.get('title', '无标题')
                description = news.get('description', '无描述')
                url = news.get('url', '')
                ctime = news.get('ctime', '无时间信息')
                source = news.get('source', '无发行单位')
                news_chunk.append(f"{idx}. 📰标题: {title}\nℹ时间: {ctime}\n📺发行单位: {source}\n🔗链接: {url}\n\n")

                if idx % 10 == 0 or idx == len(filtered_news):
                    news_chunk = []

            return formatted_news
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"⚠️格式化新闻时发生错误: {e}")
            return ["⚠️新闻数据格式化错误。"]
HenryXiaoYang commented 2 months ago


HenryXiaoYang commented 2 months ago

news_api_key复制时忘删掉了吧,赶紧删掉吧 。

Sendu-sanxing commented 2 months ago
