Herb-AI / HerbConstraints.jl

Constraints for Herb.jl
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Wrapper for domains. (`BitVector` / `StateSparseSet`) #46

Open Whebon opened 1 month ago

Whebon commented 1 month ago

Holes can have domains of two different types:

Propagators can use domain functions to check certain properties. For example:

These functions are used as if the domain was a BitVector. However, they are not intuitive for what they are supposed to do. For a StateSparseSet this is even more confusing, because sum seems like it should behave completely different.


Use a wrapper function around domains and give intuitive names to domain operations. (Like minimum and size)

abstract type AbstractDomain end

struct BitVetorDomain

struct StateDomain

It should support at least the following operations:

Why is this not here yet

Adding the wrapper might cause overhead when copying over many holes during program iteration.