HermanChen / mpp

Rockchip MPP(Media Process Platfrom)
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mpp连续解码Jpeg问题 #27

Open fwanghuan490 opened 3 years ago

fwanghuan490 commented 3 years ago

Hi,rk3399 linux平台使用最新版本的mpp进行jpeg解码输出yuv420sp格式的jpg文件,发现在连续解码时,头两帧都是正常输出,但是从第3帧开始开始出现异常打印错误,而且从第4帧开始输出的文件全部都是和第3帧的jpg输出文件一样,出错日志如下: mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the 1 decode mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: decode_advanced 0x5592c2c0a0 decoded frame 0 mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the 2 decode mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: decode_advanced 0x5592c2c0a0 decoded frame 1 mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the 3 decode mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: decode_advanced 0x5592c2c0a0 decoded frame 2 mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the 4 decode mpp[22973]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait IRQ TIMEOUT! mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: decode_advanced 0x5592c2c0a0 decoded frame 3 mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the 5 decode mpp[22973]: HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait IRQ TIMEOUT! mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: decode_advanced 0x5592c2c0a0 decoded frame 4 mpp[22973]: mpi_dec_test: mpi_dec_test_decode the final decode over

就是从第3帧开始,一旦出现打印HAL_JPEG_VDPU2: hal_jpegd_vdpu2_wait IRQ TIMEOUT!后,解码输出的文件就不对了,请问这个错误该怎么解决。

fwanghuan490 commented 3 years ago


fwanghuan490 commented 3 years ago


HermanChen commented 3 years ago


fwanghuan490 commented 3 years ago

好的,就连续的解码这个jpg文件就可以了: 百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LbM2zQX4k95EYlIvIZvLoA 提取码:r4z0

为了测试连续解码,我把demo中的代码增加了几行: 在mpi_dec_test.c文件中的mpi_dec_test_decode()函数中大概第677行中的while (!data.eos)里面,新增了多次调用decode_advanced(),具体如下: while (!data.eos) { mpp_err_f("the 1 decode\n"); decode_advanced(&data); fseek(data.fp_input, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(data.fp_input); rewind(data.fp_input); mpp_err_f("the 2 decode\n"); decode_advanced(&data); fseek(data.fp_input, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(data.fp_input); rewind(data.fp_input); mpp_err_f("the 3 decode\n"); decode_advanced(&data); fseek(data.fp_input, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(data.fp_input); rewind(data.fp_input); mpp_err_f("the 4 decode\n"); decode_advanced(&data); fseek(data.fp_input, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(data.fp_input); rewind(data.fp_input); mpp_err_f("the 5 decode\n"); decode_advanced(&data); mpp_err_f("the final decode over\n"); }

FumasterLin commented 3 years ago

Hi: 你提供的百度网盘链接失效了,麻烦重新提供下

fwanghuan490 commented 3 years ago


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Mpg0URLYLUwBa0c5WsYL1g 提取码:16lw

FumasterLin commented 3 years ago

Hi: 提供下你本地最新mpp的版本信息? 另外,要测试连续解同一帧jpeg的话,请合入如下修改,再进一步测试下看看。

用以下命令测试(加入-n 参数 指定重复编多少帧): mpi_dec_test -i t2020.jpg -w 2448 -h 2048 -t 8 -n 10 -o 2448x2048.yuv

diff --git a/test/mpi_dec_test.c b/test/mpi_dec_test.c
index f8c9557c..cd5f0d22 100644
--- a/test/mpi_dec_test.c
+++ b/test/mpi_dec_test.c
@@ -473,6 +473,14 @@ static int decode_advanced(MpiDecLoopData *data)
                 dump_mpp_frame_to_file(frame, data->fp_output);

             mpp_log("%p decoded frame %d\n", ctx, data->frame_count);
+            if (data->frame_num > 0 && data->frame_count < data->frame_num) {
+                data->eos = 0;
+                clearerr(data->fp_input);
+                rewind(data->fp_input);
+            }else{
+                data->eos = 1;
+            }

             if (mpp_frame_get_eos(frame_out))