HermanChen / mpp

Rockchip MPP(Media Process Platfrom)
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Encoder dependencies #39

Closed EhsanVahab closed 2 years ago

EhsanVahab commented 2 years ago

Dear @HermanChen, thanks for your great job. I'm going to use mpp in my C++ Project to encode my stream frames. every thing is clear and works pretty well in mpi_enc_test.c but I wonder which libraries and header files have to be linked and included in my project? for example libmpp.so or so on. is there any api documentation for ? I'm not utilizing CMake for my project and need to put everything in my makefile.

HermanChen commented 2 years ago

The header in directory inc is just enough for common usage. And you can use header in osal/inc to get more functions. Document is attached. The Makefile is also provided if you want to use mpp in linux environment. There are debian directory for reference.

HermanChen commented 2 years ago


EhsanVahab commented 2 years ago


Dear @HermanChen, thanks for your quick response. I wonder is there any detailed document for MppApi and MppCtx and their functions? for example I have to guess the MppApi::control's function. or spend long time to review the code to deeply understand.

HermanChen commented 2 years ago

emmm... the document was not updated for a long time. Just check the comment in code for its usage.

EhsanVahab commented 2 years ago

dear @HermanChen thanks for your comment. I installed mpp on a virtual machine with ubuntu 18. ==>this is my programming environment. then I wrote a simple c++ program to take advantage of MPP library. every thing is ok and my code compiled and run successfully with g++.

when I move my code on Firefly AIO-3399ProC , it is built but I face runtime error : _undefined symbol: mpp_spinlocklock

I post my Makefile and I deeply appreciate if you make me write.

LDFLAGS=-lrockchip_mpp -lutils -lm -lopencv_core  -lpthread -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs
LIBDIR=-L/home/firefly/Project/mpp/build/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
INCDIR= -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/inc -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/utils -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/osal/inc

default : enc

enc : enc.o 
    g++  -o $@ $^  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) 

%.o : %.cpp
    g++  -c  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)  -o $@ $<

clean :
    rm -f *.o enc
EhsanVahab commented 2 years ago

dear @HermanChen thanks for your comment. I installed mpp on a virtual machine with ubuntu 18. ==>this is my programming environment. then I wrote a simple c++ program to take advantage of MPP library. every thing is ok and my code compiled and run successfully with g++.

when I move my code on Firefly AIO-3399ProC , it is built but I face runtime error : _undefined symbol: mpp_spinlocklock

I post my Makefile and I deeply appreciate if you make me write.

LDFLAGS=-lrockchip_mpp -lutils -lm -lopencv_core  -lpthread -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs
LIBDIR=-L/home/firefly/Project/mpp/build/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
INCDIR= -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/inc -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/utils -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/osal/inc

default : enc

enc : enc.o 
  g++  -o $@ $^  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) 

%.o : %.cpp
  g++  -c  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)  -o $@ $<

clean :
  rm -f *.o enc

solved. the root cause was the firefly ubuntu version has its own default rockchip's mpp. and it's not compatible with the latest version

EhsanVahab commented 2 years ago

dear @HermanChen thanks for your great example in mpi_enc_test.c I finally could make a c++ simple project and take advantage of Opencv. it may be useful for others who are interested to develop IOT streaming projects with Opencv and rockchip's processors.


HermanChen commented 2 years ago

Nice work : )