HermanMartinus / bearblog

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Embed music file? Discoverability of a blog? #208

Closed dmt-hub closed 1 year ago

dmt-hub commented 1 year ago

Would love to have the option to embed music/mp3 via this code -> "audio src="/path/to/audio.mp3"></audio"

And by discoverability, does this mean every post someone makes will appear in Bear's Most Recent Discovery feed or only random posts make it into the Most Recent discovery feed ?

HermanMartinus commented 1 year ago

You can currently embed audio, although it would have to be included from an external source as I haven't built media uploads outside of images yet. You can also embed Soundcloud player.

All your posts are discoverable by default and will therefore show up on the most recent page in the discovery feed, and possibly on the trending page depending on the number of upvotes. If you set make_discoverable: false it won't show up on either page. Here are some other options and explanations of how the posts work: https://docs.bearblog.dev/post/

HermanMartinus commented 1 year ago

This is probably due to it not being reviewed yet (I'm reviewing the new blogs today). This is to prevent spam from finding its way to the discovery feed. You can read more about that here: https://docs.bearblog.dev/review-process/