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Confusing blog titles display for some posts #229

Open angelPL opened 1 year ago

angelPL commented 1 year ago


I found that some titles of blog posts or rather the way that they are displayed may look a little bit confusing. Some titles starts with a number (like '4 things i learned after getting users' title starts with number 4). I see that on Bear Blog in section Discover -> Trending (Discovery feed, Trending) the blog posts are displayed in such a manner that before each blog post title, there is a number.

NOT OK for 100 and bigger - (Padding/Margin NOT OK Marked as color red #ff0000) (Number: 126, Title starts with number (in this case 4))

Screenshot Wrong

​As you can see above (as I hope), #126 is confusing with the title that starts with '4'.

I think this is the case only for posts that are after 99th position. So starting from #100.

Below I include screenshot that looks OK for post below #100.

OK from 1 to 99 - (Padding/Margin OK Marked as color green#00ff00) (Number: 5, Title do not start with number. If it will start with a number it still should be OK as Number is 5, so below 100)

Screenshot OK