HermanMartinus / bearblog

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custom meta elements #301

Closed 3052 closed 1 month ago

3052 commented 1 month ago

I need to add a meta element like this:

<meta name="go-import" content="hello world">

but it seems I cannot currently do that

HermanMartinus commented 1 month ago

Hmmmm, my guess is that the validator is expecting a property value. Try adding an empty one (property='') and let me know if that works.

3052 commented 1 month ago

actually it does work, but it puts it in the body - is it possible to put in the head?

HermanMartinus commented 1 month ago

Hmmmm, I can't recreate the issue you're having. When I use the provided meta tag it adds it to head no problem.

Could you send me a link to your site (via email or here is fine).

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 14 27 40

3052 commented 1 month ago

it seems that might be a paid option

Add code to head and footer elements


I am currently using NeoCities, I guess I will just stick with that

HermanMartinus commented 1 month ago

The functionality I'm using is available on free blogs. It's in Settings/Advanced settings called Custom meta tag. It seem to be working perfectly fine :)