HermesApp / Hermes

Compact macOS Pandora client that doesn’t use Flash
MIT License
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Catch notifications on Skype incoming/outcoming calls #239

Open psihonavt opened 9 years ago

psihonavt commented 9 years ago


One feature I love in iTunes is that it will stop/resume playback on Skype calls.

I would really want to have same feature in Hermes. Not thinking too much I started to learn Objective-C (I'm guy with background in python, erlang, scala etc) in order to implement this feature for Hermes. After awhile I got some basics in Objective-C and was ready for hacking! I didn't not think that it will be difficult because Hermes already catches events about lock/unlock and does play/resume actions.

But some googling revealed the problem -- nobody knows about such events for Skype. There are several questions on StackOverflow without clear answer.

Do you guys have some inputs for me on this feature? Thanks.