HermesApp / Hermes

Compact macOS Pandora client that doesn’t use Flash
MIT License
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How to config proxies/network screen? #336

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I recently tried to use Hermes. In my situation I need to use it with a DNS or VPN config via the proxy screen. I worked with my DNS/VPN provider and entered the values they suggested, but I just keep getting an internal error from Pandora. Per their instructions I should be putting in a userid/password as well, but Hermes isn't prompting for this.

Can someone guide me in regards to what I'm doing wrong? See the attached screen shot for the setup I tried: pandora-proxy

As an FYI, it works find if I set up my entire system, however this interferes with my office config, so I thought I'd try just the Hermes setup.