HermesApp / Hermes

Compact macOS Pandora client that doesn’t use Flash
MIT License
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No longer functions under Catalina #361

Closed khudson closed 4 years ago

khudson commented 4 years ago

The app won't launch under Catalina and bails out with an abort. I tried building this myself under the newest Xcode to try and get around the problem but it persists.

Assertion failed: (_eventPort != NULL), function -[SPMediaKeyTap startWatchingMediaKeys], file /Users/(removed)/git/Hermes/ImportedSources/SPMediaKeyTap/SPMediaKeyTap.m, line 76.
zsh: abort      ./Hermes```
nriley commented 4 years ago

Please see #342. I wish I had time to work on this right now but I don't.