HeroesWoW / BugReports

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Raise Dead Many Buggs #3

Open nightbaneftw opened 6 years ago

nightbaneftw commented 6 years ago

Raise Death -> https://wotlk.evowow.com/?spell=46584

1) Pet dying don't start the cooldown, trying to spawn him puts the spell in endless cooldown 2) The energy regen rate is supposed to be 1 energy per decisecond - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrSUATh7rnQ 3) Claw needs to have minimum of 40 energy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrSUATh7rnQ @1:16 4) It is supposed to spawn with full energy/health and no cooldowns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnjxwhITf_Q Gnaw is used at 0:09 pet is spawned again at 0:58 and there are no cooldowns, hp and energy are obvious 5) It is supposed to have 90% AOE dmg reduction - https://wotlk.evowow.com/?spell=55623 6) It doesn't scale with master's hit, crit, haste and expertise

nightbaneftw commented 6 years ago

Can you at least start from giving pet scaling https://github.com/HeroesWoW/BugReports/issues/21 and their damage reduction from https://wotlk.evowow.com/?spell=55623 and give Ghoul 100 energy on spawn!

Swiftsmoke commented 6 years ago

They don't get the same pet scaling as Dancing Rune Weapon