HerrKnarz / Playnite-Extensions

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[Enhancement][Metadata Utilities] Option to search for and add games to a selected tag in Metadata Editor #108

Closed HerrKnarz closed 3 weeks ago

HerrKnarz commented 1 month ago

Idea: add a button under the "related games" grid, that opens a search window, where you can search for games. Maybe that one can use the default search function of Playnite? The results should support multiselect. Clicking on the "Add" button in the search window then adds the corresponding metadata to all selected games and returns to the Metadata Editor.

This search could also be refined by allowing search only in certain filter presets, if Playnite supports something like that. Extra filter boxes for different fields could also be added, but it shouldn't get too complex, because for those cases the default way to filter and edit games in Playnite should suffice.

HerrKnarz commented 3 weeks ago

I already added a simple search dialog that uses the default search functionality of Playnite. I will exchange that dialog with a dedicated search window with a grid containing the games and the option für multi select in the next version. Since the default search function allows for extensive filter settings, I'll try to also add a combobox with all filter presets to the window, so the user can at least search in that specific filter.

HerrKnarz commented 3 weeks ago

implemented and will be available in version 1.0