HerrKnarz / Playnite-Extensions

Collection of useful Playnite extensions. See Readme for details!
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[Enhancement] Company Merger for Genres #62

Closed elazar55 closed 1 year ago

elazar55 commented 1 year ago

I'd like to see the same plugin as Company Merger but for genres. I'm loving Company Merger, thanks for making it!

chocolatechipcats commented 1 year ago

Check out the LibraryManagement plugin. (Though honestly it's a bit janky, so I wouldn't mind an alternate myself.)

HerrKnarz commented 1 year ago

I was gonna say the same thing. The speciality of Company Comnpanion to find similar company names isn't so easy to apply to genres, because there aren't any generic words like "studio" or "interactive" or business entities to remove to find duplicates. Library Manager has the advantage, that you can set rules, which genres (or other fields) you want to merge and what you want to name the merged result. Those rules then will be applied automatically on library updates. I built Company Companion mainly, because adding rules manually for companies would be tedious because of the amount of different names. Genres are generally much more managable.

I have some ideas to write my own Library Management addon and include stuff from Company Companion into it, but that will be a rather big addon, I guess. That definitely won't happen before Playnite 11 is out.