HerrMagiic / CSS-CreateCustomCommands

The Custom Commands Plugin allows you to create and customize commands for your server. These commands can display messages, perform server-side actions, and more.
MIT License
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Plugin doesnt work for me #19

Closed Lediak closed 5 months ago

Lediak commented 5 months ago

Hi, i have trouble to execute this plugin. My file comands.json is in CsSharp/plugins/CustomCommands with this code : image

In Csssharp/configs/plugins/CustomCommands i have this file : image

But when i put : !discord or /discord on the chat nothing is happening. Did i do something wrong ?

Thx !

HerrMagiic commented 5 months ago

Hey, you have a comma at the end of you Commands.json this needs to be removed. You only want to add a comma between two commands. Example:

      "Title": "Discord",
      "Description": "Command for Discord",
      "Command": "discord",
      "Message": "{PREFIX}{GREEN}Discord: \n <link>",
      "PrintTo": 0
      "Title": "Steam",
      "Description": "Command for SteamGroup",
      "Command": "steam,steamgroup,group",
      "Message": "SteamGroup: <link>",
      "CenterMessage": {
        "Message": "<div>Steam Group</div><br><div><font color='#00ff00'>https...</font></div>",
        "Time": 10
      "PrintTo": 7


Lediak commented 5 months ago

Ty my friends ! i'm sorry to disturb u for a syntax probleme ....... have a good day ! and thanks again !

HerrMagiic commented 5 months ago

Yeah no problem. In the next update there will be an error message if you have a syntax error in your file.