HerrMagiic / CSS-CreateCustomCommands

The Custom Commands Plugin allows you to create and customize commands for your server. These commands can display messages, perform server-side actions, and more.
MIT License
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[BUG] Cooldown System BUG #45

Closed rodopoulos1 closed 5 months ago

rodopoulos1 commented 5 months ago

Cooldown system is bugged

First cooldown count random idk why (i setted to 600 seconds, 10 min)

Second Cooldown message not working


my config:

      "Title": "VIP's Desativam No Spread",
      "Command": "vns 1",
      "Message": [
        " {PURPLE}-=-=-=-=- {DEFAULT}[ {PURPLE}Paradox HvH {DEFAULT}] {PURPLE}-=-=-=-=-",
        " {PURPLE}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
      "Cooldown": {
        "CooldownTime": 600, 
        "IsGlobal": true,
        "CooldownMessage": "Para {LIGHTRED}DESATIVAR {DEFAULT}o {PURPLE}NO SPREAD {DEFAULT}espere {GREEN}{TIME} {DEFAULT}segundos! O comando está em {LIGHTRED}cooldown!"
      "CenterMessage": {
        "Message": "<div><center>NO SPREAD agora está</center></div><br><div><center><font color='#FF2D00'> DESATIVADO </font></center></div>",
        "Time": 4
      "PrintTo": 7,
      "Description": "VIP's Desativam No Spread",
      "ServerCommands": [
        "sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed 1"
      "Permission": {
        "RequiresAllPermissions": false,
        "PermissionList": [


Sometimes cooldown not working i think only first time works image

Plugin is delayed to start on server idk why, when i restart server take a time to works

HerrMagiic commented 5 months ago

check latest release: https://github.com/HerrMagiic/CSS-CreateCustomCommands/releases/tag/v2.0.1