Herschel555 / CAML

repository for CAML: Correlation-aware mutual learning for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
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Inter-sample self-attention and intra-sample self-attention #4

Closed Zkx199800 closed 5 months ago

Zkx199800 commented 10 months ago

Original code in this project is : """ Implementation for inter-sample self-attention input size for the encoder_layers: [batch, h x w, dim] """ """ Implementation for intra-sample self-attention input size for the encoder_layers: [h x w, batch, dim] """ I think that the input size of the inter-sample self-attention for the encoder_layers is [h x w, batch, dim], and intra-sample self-attention is [batch, h x w, dim]. I'm very confused about this question, please help me answer it.

Herschel555 commented 9 months ago

Hi, torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer has a input parameter called 'batch_first', which is set to False by default. You can check the official doc about torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer on https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer.html#transformerencoderlayer for more details.