HertieDataScience / SyllabusAndLectures

Hertie School of Governance Introduction to Collaborative Social Science Data Analysis
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Class Date Change (4 November 2016) #109

Open christophergandrud opened 7 years ago

christophergandrud commented 7 years ago

Note that the 4 November Class will now take place on 18 November. There is no class on 4 November.

Also, so that you will be prepared for Assignment 3, the Automatic Table/Static Visualisation topic has been moved to Week 5 and Statistical Modelling in R has been moved to Week 7 (I haven't updated the slide links yet, but will soon).

Finally, because of this change, in Assignment 3 you are encouraged to discuss the inferential statistics you will use to answer your Collaborative Project research question, but not required to run initial versions of these tests. Nonetheless, I highly encourage you to so I can give you more feedback, but it is not a requirement of Assignment 3