HertieDataScience / SyllabusAndLectures

Hertie School of Governance Introduction to Collaborative Social Science Data Analysis
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Knitr Kable - possible to adjust width or turn column names? #67

Open jasmincantzler opened 9 years ago

jasmincantzler commented 9 years ago

Dear all I generated a table but the table is too wide - is there a way to adjust the width or alternatively to turn the column names 90 degree so they take less space?

Cheers, thanks in advance, Jasmin

christophergandrud commented 9 years ago

Kable is rather limited in this regard. If you have time perhaps try xtable (not sure off the top of my head if this is possible). A more complicated solution would be to edit the latex source code which I can show you how to do when I get back.

Also, consider ways to simplify the table, usually that makes it more readable regardless.