HertieDataScience / SyllabusAndLectures

Hertie School of Governance Introduction to Collaborative Social Science Data Analysis
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Error with Zelig when using negbinom #70

Open dsalgadom opened 8 years ago

dsalgadom commented 8 years ago


We keep getting this error message when running our model:

Error in zclist$hook(new.res, new.call, match.call(), ..., data = d.f) : robust contains elements that are not supported. In addition: Warning message: In value[3L] : There was an error fitting this statistical model.

Does anyone know what it means?

This is the code:

z.out <- zelig(ViolentCrimeRate ~ FoundationsDensity100k + NetFlowRate + TurnoutPercentage + PropwoHauptschulabschluss + YouthRate + MaleRate + UnemployedPercentage + MarriageRate, model="negbinom", DistrictData)

We already tried to code all variables numeric and/or integer but it still keeps saying the same error.

Thanks for your help.

christophergandrud commented 8 years ago

Do you have the data so that we can reproduce the error?