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Problem with Bibliography #97

Open sloloris opened 8 years ago

sloloris commented 8 years ago

Hi! We are trying to add our bibliography to our proposal for Assignment 2, but once we add it to the metadata section of our Markdown document it is no longer able to knit. This is the error we keep getting:

pandoc-citeproc: "stdin" (line 8, column 2): unexpected "a" expecting "c", "C", "p", "P", "s" or "S" pandoc: Error running filter /Volumes/RStudio-0.99.491/RStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/pandoc/pandoc-citeproc Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 83 Execution halted

Our Citation.bib document is in the same directory as the Markdown document (/IsabelleandDiegosFinalResearchProject/Assignment2/XXX.xxx) and we've double-checked that everything is formatted correctly (unless we missed something).

Here is a link to the code: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imiller88/IsabelleandDiegosFinalResearchProject/master/Assignment2/Assignment2_ResearchProposal.Rmd

Separately, on a more minor note, when we were successfully knitting before our header #Bibliography (at the very end) was not actually knitting as a header but just as "#Bibliography" in regular tiny text.

Thanks in advance for the help!