Heufneutje / PyHeufyBot

A modular IRC bot written in Python, using Twisted. Abandoned, most popular modules have been ported to https://github.com/DesertBot/DesertBot
MIT License
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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 05 #82

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Update beautifulsoup4 from 4.8.1 to 4.8.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/beautifulsoup4 - Homepage: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/

Update pyOpenSSL from 19.0.0 to 19.1.0.

Changelog ### 19.1.0 ``` ------------------- Backward-incompatible changes: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Removed deprecated ``ContextType``, ``ConnectionType``, ``PKeyType``, ``X509NameType``, ``X509ReqType``, ``X509Type``, ``X509StoreType``, ``CRLType``, ``PKCS7Type``, ``PKCS12Type``, and ``NetscapeSPKIType`` aliases. Use the classes without the ``Type`` suffix instead. `814 <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/814>`_ - The minimum ``cryptography`` version is now 2.8 due to issues on macOS with a transitive dependency. `875 <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/875>`_ Deprecations: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Deprecated ``OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_npn_advertise_callback``, ``OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_npn_select_callback``, and ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.get_next_proto_negotiated``. ALPN should be used instead. `820 <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/820>`_ Changes: ^^^^^^^^ - Support ``bytearray`` in ``SSL.Connection.send()`` by using cffi's from_buffer. `852 <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/852>`_ - The ``OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_alpn_select_callback`` can return a new ``NO_OVERLAPPING_PROTOCOLS`` sentinel value to allow a TLS handshake to complete without an application protocol. ---- ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pyopenssl - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pyopenssl/ - Homepage: https://pyopenssl.org/ - Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/pyOpenSSL/

Update ruamel.yaml from 0.16.5 to 0.16.7.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/ruamel.yaml - Repo: https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/yaml

Update Twisted from 19.7.0 to 19.10.0.

Changelog ### 19.10.0 ``` ============================ Features -------- - twisted.trial.successResultOf, twisted.trial.failureResultOf, and twisted.trial.assertNoResult accept coroutines as well as Deferreds. (9006) Bugfixes -------- - Fixed circular import in twisted.trial.reporter, introduced in Twisted 16.0.0. (8267) - The POP3 server implemented by twisted.mail.pop3 now accepts passwords that contain spaces. (9100) - Incoming HTTP/2 connections will now not time out if they persist for longer than one minute. (9653) - The serial extra now requires pywin32 on Windows enabling use of twisted.internet.serialport without specifying the windows_platform extra. (9700) Misc ---- - 8506, 9677, 9684, 9687, 9688 Conch ----- Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - twisted.conch.ssh.keys now correctly writes the "iqmp" parameter in serialized RSA private keys as q^-1 mod p rather than p^-1 mod q. (9681) Misc ~~~~ - 9689 Web --- Features ~~~~~~~~ - twisted.web.server.Request will now use twisted.web.server.Site.getContentFile, if it exists, to get a file into which to write request content. If getContentFile is not provided by the site, it will fall back to the previous behavior of using io.BytesIO for small requests and tempfile.TemporaryFile for large ones. (9655) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - twisted.web.client.FileBodyProducer will now stop producing when the Deferred returned by FileBodyProducer.startProducing is cancelled. (9547) - The HTTP/2 server implementation now enforces TCP flow control on control frame messages and times out clients that send invalid data without reading responses. This closes CVE-2019-9512 (Ping Flood), CVE-2019-9514 (Reset Flood), and CVE-2019-9515 (Settings Flood). Thanks to Jonathan Looney and Piotr Sikora. (9694) Mail ---- No significant changes. Words ----- No significant changes. Names ----- No significant changes. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/twisted - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/twisted/ - Homepage: https://twistedmatrix.com/