HewlettPackard / python-redfish-utility

Python-based utility for interacting with devices supporting a Redfish Service
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Doc Update: createlogicaldrive Example Command #15

Closed sw-elling closed 4 years ago

sw-elling commented 5 years ago

The custom logical drive creation example in the RESTful Interface Tool User Guide is invalid.

The example given lists the drive with an index of 2 in both the list of physical drive indexes and in the "--spare-drives" option:

iLOrest > login
Discovering data...Done
ilorest > createlogicaldrive customdrive Raid5 2,3,4,5,6 --controller=1 --name=ANewLogicalDrive --spare-drives=2 --capacityGiB=100 --legacy-boot=Primary --accelerator-type=ControllerCache --sparetye=Dedicated

Testing shows that the designated spare drive must not be in the list of physical drive indexes.

The tool's built in documentation w.r.t. custom logical drive creation can use some polishing.

ilorest --nologo help createlogicaldrive

To create a custom logical drive. example: createlogicaldrive customdrive <physicaldriveindex(s)> --name=drivename --spare-drives=3,4 --spare-type=Dedicated --capacityGiB=10 --acc elerator-type=None

The "--spare-drives=3,4" option in the example should probably be "--spare-drives=<physicaldriveindex(es)>" or similar.

In addition, clarification should be provided:

Yergidy commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the find and report. We will update the documentation to fix this.

sw-elling commented 4 years ago

I'm no longer supporting HPE hardware so do what you want with this issue.

rajeevkallur commented 4 years ago
