HewlettPackard / python-redfish-utility

Python-based utility for interacting with devices supporting a Redfish Service
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Syntax to set IPv4StaticAddresses array ? #32

Closed donzef closed 2 years ago

donzef commented 3 years ago

What is the syntax to set the first element of the IPv4StaticAddresses array ? I tried multiple variants of the following but failed with ilorest 3.1.1 against iLO 5 2.30:

ad='"Address": ""'
nm='"SubnetMask": ""'
gtw='"Gateway": ""'

ilorest select EthernetInterface
ilorest set --filter  "Name"="Manager Dedicated Network Interface" IPv4StaticAddresses="[{${ad}, ${nm}, ${gtw}}]"

As a result, the array is wrongly filled up with 3 elements, like in the attached picture.


sahanaramavana commented 2 years ago

Hi @donzef ,

Kindly try the below IPv4StaticAddresses=f"[{{ {ad}, {nm}, {gtw} }}]" if pyhton 3 IPv4StaticAddresses="[{{ {}, {}, {} }}]".format(ad,nm,gtw) if python 2

here assumption is that IPv4StaticAddresses is sent in string format .

Thanks & Regards, iLORest Team

ralfgro commented 2 years ago

I'm also struggling with setting a static IP to an ILO. Can someone please show a working example? I failed to find one. There are some example but none that really goes to the end.

How should I use the example above with HPEs ilorest tool? Why is it so hard to set a static ILO IP with this tool? No working example anywhere.

IPv4StaticAddresses=f"[{{ {ad}, {nm}, {gtw} }}]" if pyhton 3

select EthernetInterface.v1_4_1
get IPv4Addresses --filter "@odata.id=/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/"


 set IPv4StaticAddresses= --filter "@odata.id=/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/"
'' is not a valid setting for 'IPv4StaticAddresses', expecting an array

'' is not a valid setting for 'IPv4StaticAddresses'

set IPv4StaticAddresses=f"[{{ {}, {}, {} }}] --filter "@odata.id=/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/"
'f"[{{' is not a valid setting for 'IPv4StaticAddresses', expecting an array

'f"[{{' is not a valid setting for 'IPv4StaticAddresses'