Hexagenic / wanikaniwallpaper

Create a wallpaper based on your WaniKani progress
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Kanji order #22

Open mrowqa opened 6 years ago

mrowqa commented 6 years ago


WaniKani kanji progress page contains 2027 characters and your order file which is 5 years old contains 2044 characters. I haven't read in detail your code. Sorry, haven't got enough time. Just wanted to let you know about potential problem. It's worth to have some reliable and up to date method of ordering which will display only WK kanji and exactly all of them.

Regards, mrowqa

Hexagenic commented 6 years ago

The order file is based of off this poster which I originally marked myself using whiteboard pens. https://shop.whiterabbitjapan.com/products/kanji-laminated-wall-poster

I made the program once it became too tedious to keep it updated by hand :)

The question is if I should have both orders/sets available, or if I should replace it entirely

4re commented 6 years ago

The thing is there are 94 kanjis in wanikani not present in the order file. What happens when you learn any of them? Do they appear in the wallpaper?

EDIT: For the sake of statics:

Original order file contains 2044 kanji. Currently there are 111 kanji in the original order file not present in Wanikani. 朋 旭 亘 只 頁 勺 汐 硝 圭 厘 宵 桂 柏 梢 桐 沫 荻 銑 辻 詔 弐 賦 幌 嬌 嫡 匕 謁 褐 壱 乞 韻 曽 蚕 逐 羨 曰 串 慌 抄 吏 肢 允 頒 翁 裳 愁 楼 笹 但 倣 畝 丙 匁 瓦 勿 賜 袖 斤 斥 儒 漕 廿 謄 弘 猪 渚 棺 附 窪 窯 繕 宛 苑 怨 酉 濫 爵 薪 菱 亥 椿 錘 栗 楠 侯 勅 薫 痘 彦 艶 蒲 逓 嗣 繭 衷 函 耗 脹 蔦 塑 墾 虞 寅 辰 嚇 朕 箇 遵 丑 卯 巳

Wanikani contains 2027 kanji. Currently there are 94 kanji in Wanikani not pressent in the order file. 謎 湧 聡 翔 胡 唄 芯 諒 俺 茜 闇 隼 亮 萌 枕 漣 醤 丼 賂 斐 墟 遜 噌 呪 頃 叱 斬 鍵 巾 爽 阜 庄 瞭 崖 淀 贅 堰 鰐 隙 貼 蟹 鬱 栞 綾 狙 曙 瑞 藍 狐 颯 莉 緋 葵 蒙 輔 呆 哺 傲 龍 弥 脊 遼 瑛 菅 楓 遥 嘉 柴 凛 哉 蒼 瑠 凌 璃 沙 蔑 汰 駿 戴 蓮 也 綺 椎 椅 那 靖 酎 憧 拳 誰 伎 鍋 箸 蜂

JonnyJD commented 6 years ago

In #25 I use the Heisig RTK order (6th edition, 2200 kanji). This might also not be complete, I only added one kanji because I received an error that this one wasn't found.