Hexagenic / wanikaniwallpaper

Create a wallpaper based on your WaniKani progress
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Add build instructions for macOS #26

Closed padarom closed 6 years ago

padarom commented 6 years ago

Could be solving #6.

Building is pretty straightforward. Three dependencies are required though:

The first two can be installed via macOS's pseudo-default package manager Homebrew. For the latter no formula is available yet, so you'd have to manually add them to your include path.

To spare developers from doing so I created a formula that allows you to just run brew install boost jsoncpp utfcpp to install all dependencies and created a pull request for Homebrew (Homebrew/homebrew-core#27076).

This PR shouldn't be merged until the Homebrew pull request has gone through. In case that's rejected, I need to change the Readme again to explain how to manually install utfcpp.