Hexenstag-Team / CK2-Hexenstag-Dev

This mod aims to expand on the "Old World" of Warhammer Fantasy, incorporating only the "Old World" region while removing the "New World". The mod is being built up as a split off from brother mod "Warhammer Geheimnisnacht". Of which the Hexenstag mod uses as foundation to continue its own development.
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Sartosan Suggestions #24

Open Diamonikon opened 3 years ago

Diamonikon commented 3 years ago

Pirate relationships

I feel like Sartosa and the Pirates in general would feel very much at ease with Freebooting Pirates, or Scallywagging Dwarves and even traitorous skaven if it comes push to shove. AS long as theres booty to be had, im sure the pirates can make a nice alliance with each other.. for the time being.

Sartosa should have Orcs, Skaven, Norscan and Dwarves in its court, sure they hate each other, but they all respect the captain! Maybe not Skaven but im dead set on the rest! Be able to keep them in your council.

Sartosan Religion

Stromfels needs better relationship and Manaan hates Stromfels! Perhaps make a Religious cult where it uses hte System of the Chaos gods, ask for blessings and perhaps become a son of stromfels, where you are turned into a Shark person! Shark beastmen or as Servants.

Lore of the Depths

Lore for Water! We need Storm Casters! Fog Summoners! The Drunken Pirate to Curse some trade ship and they get dragged into the abyss!

Sartosan Units

We need more Retinues! From Stromfels themed sea monsters to the Dwarf Slayers of the sea! Norscan Reavers! More Cannon Types, Orc Freebootas! Perhaps only if you have the Appropriate lord in your land. Like, if you make a freebota a vassal you get a retinue of Orcs, Same with dwarfs.


Make a nice assortment of feasts and festivals, Sing a shanty for some piety! Hire Orcs, Skaven, Dwarfs or Norscans! Send out mercenary contracts to Tilea, Estalia or Empire to let yourself be a Privateer. Maybe Privateers could be a Secret Society too.. No pirate wants to admit they are working for someone afterall.

Great Hunt for Seamonsters! The most brave of Sartosa could go hunting the great beasts of the sea! Or Go Hunt for a Seamonster as mount!

### Event Idea for Sartosa template Either a random event or a decision to build up piety

"On a boring voyage through the bays of [Place your character is at] You decide to sing a shanty to raise moral and please Stromfels! Your First mate starts off" "What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor?...." [Songs can be chosen at random and Players have to pick the Correct lines to continue the shanty]

A: What will we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning! B: Send him down the brig with an anchor! C: He belonged to the Whalermans creed! D: On second thought I don't fell like singing...

Sartosan Mounts

Sartosans are known for being on awesome boats. SO taht should be a thign where you can commission a special pirate ship. Otherwise you can ask Stromfels (or try tame them yourself) for nice Mounts! Like a sea serpent, a megalodon or even a destructive Kraken! They could give bonus's to supply, Bonus to Fleet speed, Coastal Province combat, fight against Religious enemies (Especially Manaan!)

Sartosan Artifacts

We are talking special guns, Sails for the Ships, Swashbuckling Sabres and Rapiers, Special Sea legs! An arm cannon. An eyepatch of Dark vision! A golden Tooth of extreme kissing! etc etc

Nice army book

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Redi9cZJ5ibTJSMjZIM2ZCd0E/view This is my source for some, and maybe you guys enjoy it too! Keep working on teh mod! Its a fantastic one and I been loving it so far!

Signed, A crazy Reiklander who pretends hes a Bretonnian Pirate of Sartosa! ### Diamonikon the 1st and last.