HexoMod / WorldEditCUI-Forge-Edition-2

Check the new version WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3
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[1.12] Error trying to Paste schematic #7

Closed Morpheus1101 closed 7 years ago

Morpheus1101 commented 7 years ago

Error log @ https://puu.sh/wMHVi/02fe32a484.txt

In game error pic @ https://puu.sh/wMHYg/83eb353593.png

hexosse commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but this is an error from WorldEdit not from WorldEdit CUI.

Morpheus1101 commented 7 years ago

CUI edition is what i have loaded

https://puu.sh/wN0tm/fbb29f64b1.png https://puu.sh/wN0xO/95e2704d96.png

hexosse commented 7 years ago

Look at your logs, it say :

[WorldEdit] An unexpected error while handling a WorldEdit command Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/particle/Particle at party.lemons.anima.content.block.BlockSolarCollector.func_149915_a(BlockSolarCollector.java:24)

So it comes from WorldEdit or PartyLemon.

But the problem is how can you use WorldEdit with forge 1.12 as there is no version yet for 1.12 ?

Morpheus1101 commented 7 years ago

I installed it via the curse launcher


hexosse commented 7 years ago

Don't misunderstand, this is WorldEdit CUI not WorldEdit

all your logs indicate that your error comes from com.sk89q.worldedit which is a WorldEdit class, so you'd better open an issue on WorldEdit github page.

There's nothing I can do for you as WorldEdit is not my mod.