Hexworks / mixite

A GUI agnostic hexagonal grid library. Supports a multitude of grid layouts including hexagonal, triangular, rectangular and more.
Apache License 2.0
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Map import/export functionality should be implemented #9

Closed adam-arold closed 8 years ago

adam-arold commented 8 years ago

The format of the map file is as follows:

  "name": "testmap", // name of the map (parameter)
  "version": "1.0.0", // version of the map format
  "width": 4, // width of the map
  "height": 3, // height of the map
  "radius": 40.0, // radius of the hexagons
  "orientation": "POINTY_TOP", // enumerated: POINTY_TOP or FLAT_TOP
  "tilesetUrl": "http://example.com", // the url of the tileset. the tileset defines the tileIds as well
  "cells" : [
    [0, 0, 1, 1.0, 1] // x, z, isPassable, movementCost, tileId

Since map import/exports are not part of the core functionality it goes to the hexameter-util module.