Hexxeh / rpi-update

An easier way to update the firmware of your Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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Current kernel 4.19.97. rpi-update wants to install >90 kernel starting at 4.14.37... #297

Closed mdrmdrmdr closed 4 years ago

mdrmdrmdr commented 4 years ago

I recently upgraded my Raspi from Stretch to Buster. The Kernel was upgraded to:

Linux raspberry 4.19.97-v7+ #1294 SMP Thu Jan 30 13:15:58 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

When I run rpi-update, it displays >90 "Bump to" messages. Almost all of them below my current version starting with 4.14.37. And only 7 between my current version and the most recent 4.19.115.

What is rpi-update doing here? Installing >90 new kernel one after another?

popcornmix commented 4 years ago

rpi-update shows the list of commits from the last time you updated with rpi-update. It doesn't know if you updated with apt in the interim.

The list of commits is information. You will only update to the single firmware/kernel at the head of the tree (which will contain all preceding commits).

mdrmdrmdr commented 4 years ago

Ah, understood. Thanks for the information...

Ruffio commented 4 years ago

@mdrmdrmdr please close this issue if it has been resolved. Thanks.