HexyeDEV / Telegram-Chatbot-Gpt4Free

This is a Python-based Telegram bot using the telethon library. The bot responds to messages using the evagpt4 reverse engeneered api from OpenGPT repo
MIT License
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Long memory or chat with your own data #3

Closed vazurg closed 1 year ago

vazurg commented 1 year ago

Hi. Is it possible to use own data to ask using langchain as in this repo https://github.com/techleadhd/chatgpt-retrieval ?

HexyeDEV commented 1 year ago

I'll try to work on that

HexyeDEV commented 1 year ago

With commit https://github.com/HexyeDEV/Telegram-Chatbot-Gpt4Free/commit/8fccdad117e22e7a8deaf0fcaef208aaea6e098c instead of using langchain that should be used with official openai api, I instead used a vector db, chromadb, to store long term memory in the bot. Memory must be enabled every time the bot is restarted with the command /memory #