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Why doesn't it support other languages besides English? #10

Open Coralma opened 2 months ago

Coralma commented 2 months ago

Hey Guys,

I'd like to use this demo to show my boss that HeyGen Avatar can support online training for different countries, but I noticed that when I input non-English information, it doesn't give me any feedback. Is this a limitation of the API?

onkeloki commented 2 months ago

I have the same problem, I was told that the streaming api demo on the heygen website could still speak good German last week. Apparently this problem has only been around for a few days. Is it possibly due to the elevenlabs implementation?
elevenlabs recently underwent a re-branding, is it possible that there has been a problem with heygen-streaming since then?

aleclindz commented 2 months ago

Hi all, yes this is a recent issue. We are investigating.

pechaut78 commented 2 months ago

Actually, If I put french, I get french for most of the sentence, then get a stranger accent:

Hi all, yes this is a recent issue. We are investigating.

"Un prompt agit comme un signal d'entree pour un modele d'IA, qui peut etre soit une simple instruction soit un ensemble plus complexe de donnees"

Is porperly pronnounced until 'soit une simple.." then it switches to a different accent. whatever Avatar I choose, or voice I choose

Can you update us on the status ? This is important for doing demos. Also, I would love to get a contact for support

pechaut78 commented 2 months ago

Hi all, yes this is a recent issue. We are investigating.

I think I have a clue: French is not correctly handled by repeat, switching randomly from some languages to others.

After adding the right encoding to the repeat function, it works like a charm ! No more language switching

headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',

Also, please contact me: I'm desperatly trying to reach for business. I need a contact :)

pechaut78 commented 2 months ago

After adding the right encoding to the repeat function, it works like a charm ! No more language switching

Far less, not no more .. if some french words are similar to english words in a batch, it switches to english..